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Liver cirrhosis is a slow-developing disease in which normal tissues of the liver are replaced by abnormal/scar tissues. The disease prevents the normal flow of blood through the liver and stops the liver from functioning properly, leading to a long-term damage. Cirrhosis even affects the abdominal blood vessels, and the huge portal vein, which transports blood from the intestines and spleen through the liver. Cirrhosis causes ailments such as jaundice, excessive itching, and fatigue. Mild cirrhosis can be easily treated, but advanced stages may cause widespread liver damage.


Liver cirrhosis develops very slowly, and its symptoms can be identified at an early stage. Early stage liver cirrhosis is identified by symptoms such as: Fatigue. Fever. Jaundice. Weight loss. Fluid retention. Black stools and bloody vomit.DFDAFF


There are a number of causes that can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. These causes include: Excessive alcohol intake. Autoimmune liver disease such as hepatitis. Rare genetic conditions or other problems that block the bile duct.


the disease is diagnosed by means of: ... A Physical examination of the liver; the doctor examines the shape and size of the liver. Blood tests Biopsy and surgery Endoscopy


There is no cure for cirrhosis. However, there are treatment plans available to minimize its growth. If it was caused by alcohol, the patient is asked to abstain from it. The treatments for this disease include: .. Medication Anti-viral medication targets the abnormal cells present in the liver and strengthens the immune system. Liver transplant The diseased liver is replaced by a healthy donor liver.


To prevent the liver from cirrhosis, one should take care of the following: Stop alcohol consumption. Opt for the Hepatitis B vaccination. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat low-fat food. Exercise regularly.

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